3. Guided Tour
With this employment, you may be wandering through Rome’s beautiful ancient alleys or climbing Everest — the choices are absolutely limitless. Tour guides go to various regions of the world and get to share their most significant interest with a large group of like-minded people. You’ll need to be able to manage vast gatherings of individuals. You’ll also need a thorough understanding of the history of the locations where you operate.
You can organize excursions as a freelancer or for a huge corporation. The quantity of work will vary throughout the year. There will most likely be both a busy peak season and a calm season.
Remember that if you just want to live the life of a full-time traveler, you do not have to immediately commit to a permanent employment; instead, consider working a seasonal job, such as in retail. Then, if you like it (and odds are you will if you’ve read this far), you may apply for one of the positions on this list.