Volunteering and traveling are two exquisite pleasures that so many people are longing for these last years. Volunteering abroad is a flexible activity; there are many ways to achieve it depending on your possibilities and preferences.
If you have a passion for discovering new landscapes and different cultures and a big heart ready to give rather than receive, we show you a few options you might consider.
A Rapidly Growing Association: Voluntourism

This recently used term is said when touristic vacations have a volunteering aspect to them. One of Road Scholar programs, for example, sends volunteers to India for teaching children. They spend a part of their vacation volunteering, and in the spare time, they get the occasion to discover the country and learn more about its people and its history. At the end of the day, they have plenty of time for themselves and get the chance to visit the area and see their museums or other monuments or do whatever personal activity they’re interested in. They might even see some of the expenses they spent deducted with their tax returns by the end of the journey.
To live the best volunteerism experience, it’s better to think about the type of service you’re about to give before the location while planning. GoEco and VolunteerForever are two websites that would show you all kinds of opportunities, whether you support an environmental, social, economic, or political case.
How Disbursing in Arranged Volunteering is not an Issue

It might seem to some of us that paying for doing work is not a logical idea and that the time and the energy we provide in volunteering must be enough to be at least hosted for free. But in the world of arranged volunteering, that’s not how it works. The fees you pay for volunteering abroad are enough for the association to handle your trip, your meals, and a decent lodge for you. If you think about it, no matter how much you pay in arranged volunteering, it would still be cheaper than if you decided to go there as a tourist and pay for your flight, bed, and food.
Volunteering through international NGOs is a growing hype for young people who still have plenty of energy and strength to spend but also for older ones who have all the money and time to themselves.
If you’re seriously considering spending your vacation this way, here are some organizations to help you in your research: Cross-Cultural Solutions / GeoVisions / Volunteer World / VolunTourism.org / Transitions Abroad.com / Global Service Corps
An Option for Donors Who Want To See the Worth of Their Gift: Philanthropic Travel

For volunteers who are willing to install a relationship of trust between them and the association they’re giving to, or are simply interested to see their help in action, organizations that make philanthropic trips send their volunteers to meet the potential beneficent. This type of volunteering makes you realize and see for your own eyes how your little action could change the day, maybe even the life of a person in need. It’s also an opportunity to live an indescribable moment of ecstasy while seeing the happiness and the relief in the eyes of the families you helped.
Possible Inconveniences to this Combination
Some might have confusion in concepts between traveling and volunteering as we tend to associate vacation with relaxing, relieving stress, and having plenty of spare time to ourselves.
Volunteering never might come as a challenge due to so many potential issues:
- The lack of modern conveniences and technology you might find in the area you’re volunteering in,
- The cultural and language shock you will live with most people you encounter during your journey,
- The commitment you’ll have to give in your work even though you’re not financially recompensed,
- The amount of energy and time you’ll have to give into your work and the lack of personal time.
But if you manage to direct your mindset into volunteering more than relaxing, it would leave you with an amazing experience and lifetime memories at the end of the journey.