Many people are sure that travel jobs are the privilege of a few. But if you clicked on this article, you’re probably among those ready to leave the office and go find some adventures! You’ve come to the right place; check out our list of great job opportunities that involve travel and choose the perfect one for you!
1. Teach English
This is one of the most common choices for those who want to work abroad. Nearly all countries where English isn’t the official language are on a constant hunt for native speakers to teach English in their schools. Most legit employers need you to have a certificate that you can teach English as a foreign language from a reputable organization, but it’s not too complicated to get one; you can even do it online.
Usually, you can get free training, and the receiving country will pay for your visa (that’s possible in Asian countries, for example). But there are also some more popular destinations (some European countries), where the requirements are a bit stricter.
Starting in this field is relatively easy, too. You aren’t required to have lots of experience, but it can affect your salary. Other things that affect your compensation are the exact position you choose, how many hours you’re willing to work, and the region where you go.
Another argument to get a certificate beforehand is that some organizations will assist you with job search, and their sources are most legit.