We all know the common methods of cocktail-making. Mix all ingredients, shake-shake, add something for décor and that’s it! But now we’re here not for remembering all typical cocktails available in all bar-cards around the world. Look at the list of the most dangerous cocktails ever.
1. The Hurl Hurl
This is an example of a friendly cocktail that is almost totally made of alcohol. Components of this miracle are the following:
- Amaretto
- Cranberry juice
- Crème of banana
- Melon Liquor
- Malibu rum
- Peach schnapps
- Raspberry Liquor
- Southern Comfort Liquor
All equal parts are put into an icy shaker, then get into a glass for a cocktail or a bartender is shedding the mix through the ice. It’s both possible to serve it as an independent long cocktail or as a shocking shot.
2. The Zombie
The zombie seems to be the most powerful cocktail on our list. Sugar in this drink is even more than alco but alcohol is enough in it. So, you’re risking to drink much more than you planned as you appreciate it because of sweet taste forgetting about the degree of the Zombie. If you want to make it, here are ingredients:
- Light rum
- Sugar
- Pineapple juice (more sugar)
- Orange juice (much more sugar)
- Apricot brandy
- Dark rum
- Lime juice
Mix everything and pour Bacardi at it from the top.7
3. The Vaportini
The way this cocktail is being drunk is extraordinary and threatening health. There’s almost nothing bad in the cocktail composition except alcohol, of course, but heating of the drink up to 60 degrees Celsius and then produced vape is inhaled via a straw. So, in this method, your blood receives alcohol faster trough the lungs avoiding the gastrointestinal tract. Unfortunately, scientists claim that alcoholic vape may be unpleasant for the nervous system of a human but the related researches haven’t been done yet.
4. The Tequila Blue Blazer
While preparing the Tequila Blue Blazer holds something for extinguishing next to you because the cocktail requires burning. Combo of Reposado tequila and mezcal is burned by a bartender with a convenient lighter, so the components of the pitcher are flamed. Parallelly pitcher num. 2 is being filled with boiling water. Then the first pitcher contents are added to the second and shaken carefully. After this, the fire is extinguished via covering the pitcher forbidding air to get into. The drink is decored with lime and bitters and poured into a brandy snifter glass. Avoid testing this one at home.
5. Corpse Reviver #2
This terrifying cocktail is met in the menu of Philadelphian Southwark bar and known as the most dangerous drink. Components are:
- Absinthe
- Lemon
- Lillet Blanc
- Cointreau
- Gin
Thanks to Absinth this drink opens new strengths in people drinking it and they are ready for the most extreme activities or forces them to lose conciseness. It’s really delicious so drinkers can’t stop on one cocktail when four of them are almost deadly dose.